Work Plan
The Asia-RiCE Work Plan has been prepared to describe the tasks and deliverables of the programme and is updated periodically to reflect the latest status of Asia-RiCE. Asia-RiCE currently aims to:
- Promote the use of EO data for wall-to-wall rice crop monitoring in cooperation with GEORice and Asia-RiCE team members and international donors;
- Promote the use of new generation tools for big EO data analysis, such as the Open Data Cube and cloud-based systems with available data sources and tools (such as INAHOR and GEORice);
- Promote outcomes, output applications, research results, and progress at international conferences such as the ESA Living Planet Symposium, IGARSS, ACRS, etc.;
- Continue to promote the generation of rice crop outlooks in Asia using agromet information from Japan (JASMIN) and India (MOSDAC).
- Encourage broad ground data collection and sharing between countries, agencies, and projects.