Asia-RiCE aims to coordinate the evolution of a system of systems which will be greater than the sum of the individual parts and which will facilitate the sharing of know-how, develop capacity, and support region-wide capabilities that reflect the inter-dependent nature of food price and security challenges.
A broad range of stakeholders are of relevance to Asia-RiCE:
– National governments and their agencies responsible for their various rice crop monitoring and food security systems and capabilities;
– Regional intergovernmental coordination bodies with ambitions in this domain, such as ASEAN. Asia-RiCE works with the ASEAN Food Security Information System (AFSIS) to provide crop condition overview information and outlooks to the GEOGLAM Crop Monitor and AMIS.
– Remote sensing organisations and their coordination groups that can support supply of the necessary space data – these include the space agencies of Japan, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and others; as well as the regional space agency forum APRSAF, SERVIR Mekong, and the international Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS);
– UN agencies and their regional activity groups, such as FAO and ESCAP; and,
– Key donor organisations including global (e.g., World Bank), regional (e.g., Asian Development Bank), and national (e.g., JICA) bodies.
Participation in the ad hoc team has to date been predominantly by national implementing agency and space agency representatives. However, the intention is to ensure that the full spectrum of stakeholders are further engaged in implementation of Asia-RiCE.